Healthful Meals for the Respiratory System
Covid-19 has widely been understood as a virus that affects the respiratory system, especially so if you have a weaker immune system. Keeping this in mind, it is important to add products to your diet that will build your immunity, with the added benefit of making your respiratory system stronger. We’ve done the work for you and put together a list of organic, healthful foods that might help you kick any viruses before they occur.
Everyone has heard the famous saying ‘an apple a day keeps the doctor away’. The almighty fruit has a high concentration of nutrients like Vitamin C and E and beta-carotenes. Apples also contain beta-carotenes and an antioxidant knows as quercetin, which can protect the lungs from the effects of smoking and air pollution. Inexpensive, flavourful, and easily available in organic health food stores all year round, apples are one of our tops picks for a healthy respiratory system.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Known for their anti-inflammatory and preventive functions against respiratory diseases,
omega-3 fatty acids fall into the category of ‘good fats’ that are found in foods like salmon, avocados, nuts, and seeds.
Associated with lowering the risk of chronic respiratory disease and obstructive pulmonary disease, start your day with a couple of walnuts or almonds from your organic health food store and you’ll also enjoy an extra morning boost of energy. Nuts have a long shelf life, so buy in bulk, store them well and treat yourself to one of the most healthy foods for the respiratory system without worrying about wastage.
Packed full of vitamin C, carotenoids, folate, and phytochemicals which are essential for combating lung diseases and defects, this miniature tree-shaped vegetable can be a simple and delicious addition to your meals. The nutrients in broccoli provide organic health solutions and regulate the anti-inflammatory gene of your body.
Cayenne Pepper
Add a bit of kick to your meals with this piquant spice. Capsaicin is an ingredient that is essential for the secretion and insulation of the mucus membrane. Combined with beta-carotenes, capsaicin protects the respiratory organ from conditions such as asthma. Cayenne pepper contains an abundance of these nutrients and is a great organic health
the solution to prevent several respiratory conditions.
Green Tea
Green tea, the unfermented version of the Camellia Sinensis plant, is known as
one of the best organic health solutions to reduce the risks of lung cancer, inflammation, and
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The tea also has cancer-fighting antioxidants, known as catechins and quercetin.
The anti-inflammatory substances help reduce the release of histamines and other inflammatory chemicals often linked to allergies, thus
preventing them. This magical infusion is vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free, making green tea one of the easiest ingredients integrate into your diets.
This humble, ancient root is one of the best respiratory health foods. We live in a world where being exposed to pollutants and toxins is second nature, harming our respiratory system to a great extent. Ginger can decongest air tracts and improving lung health. Try to incorporate it in your diet in creative ways; fresh, crystallized, powdered, or dried.
One of the most beautiful fruits available, pomegranates contain ellagic acid which can help prevent various forms of cancer and other terminal diseases. Hindering the growth of possible lung tumours, pomegranates are some of the best healthy foods for the respiratory system.
Turmeric, also known as Curcuma, contains the compound curcumin which helps reduce
tracheal inflammation and tightness in the chest. The anti-inflammatory spice breaks down mucus from the airways, making it easier to breathe.
An old Ayurvedic remedy, the golden spice has been known as a treatment for respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis, and simple dust allergies for many years. Add a little bit of colour and a whole lot of health to your food with turmeric.
Not everyone’s favourite ingredients and often linked to some tummy trouble, beans are a reliable source of antioxidants, protein, fibres, vitamins and more. Declared as one of the best respiratory health foods, The American Cancer Society promotes the addition of a variety of beans like pinto, red or kidney beans to your diet to increase your overall health and wellbeing.
Berries and Grapes
Natures candy aka berries, including blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and Acai, contain high doses of antioxidants. Along with black or purple grapes, they contain anthocyanins which maintain lung function as one age.
Most types of berries also contain high concentrations of antioxidants. According to the American Cancer Society, the nutrients in berries are also capable of insulating your lungs against various respiratory conditions.
The most important and simplest ingredient might be one of the best products to improve
respiratory health. Essential for the body, water prevents irritation in the lungs and helps to thin the mucus lining in the airways. Dehydration can cause the mucus lining to thicken which
slows down overall respiration, making you more vulnerable to allergies and other respiratory problems. Drink at least 7 cups of water a day to flush out toxins and clear your respiratory system.
In short, these unprecedented times may encourage you to take a closer look at what you’re eating and how it can benefit your body. Consider eating more healthful, organic respiratory foods to build immunity against viruses and preventing further problems as you
age. And remember to always consult a GP or nutritionist before introducing any new products to your diet.
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